Thursday, June 13, 2013

nice progress

On the ride home from my cousin's house tonight, I caught myself thinking about my treadmill, like excitedly. I was actually looking forward to coming home and torturing myself. I've been doing a combination walk / jog and I find that each day it is easier to jog a little more.

I'm still sorting this out in my head, but I think something happened. I think my near-failure with the 3-day total backslide actually motivated me to get back on. I think the reason is also partly because for some reason, this time for the first time ever, my exercises actually make me feel energized and happy afterward. Finally, some positive reinforcement for working out, instead of just pain and exhaustion. Something's different this time, and I don't really care what it is, but I like it.

That's never happened before. I have easily, happily, given up on my diet and exercise plans -- ever. And I've never had an exercise plan before, not really. But for some reason, this time, my failure to stay on my own plan really pissed me off, and I said, F- this, I'm going to f-ing do this.

And ever since then, I've had some really awesome successes too. I have successfully controlled my night binge eating every night so far. I have eaten at night, I have to because of my work schedule, but I've eaten what I planned to eat, not more, and if I was still hungry I drank a glass of water and waited 10 minutes.

That's another one. I have tried to keep this rule: every time I feel hungry, I will drink a glass of water and wait ten minutes. I had a really good one today. I got home from my cousin's and I knew I was hungry and still needed dinner -- i.e., I had already given myself permission to eat. And, as I was ripping into the fridge, yanking ingredients out like Christmas decorations, I was just about to graze on a mouthful of grated cheddar and I said, No, just because you are legitimately hungry and plan to make a meal, you still have to do it. And, I drank a glass of water and waited. And afterward I was also able to choose a different meal that was better for me, and I didn't feel deprived. Sweet.

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