Monday, June 10, 2013

New Challenge: the 10% Challenge

Well, let's talk about my overall goals.

My current weight and BMI: 230 lbs. / 31.2 BMI

My goal weight and BMI are: 175 lbs. / 23.7 BMI

That works out to a loss of 55 lbs., or 24% of my body weight and a 7.5 point reduction of my BMI, also a 24% reduction in my BMI.

I'd like to accomplish this overall goal in a year. That's a little more than a pound a week, which is a 500 calorie a day deficit.

That means every 0.55 lb. is 1%, which seems pretty manageable.

So, I think I am going to challenge myself to get 10% to goal. So that would be 5.5 lbs., which on my baseline plan, I should be achieving by Sunday, July 14th.

I think I'll see if I can get there a week early by July 7th.

So I need to lose 5.5 lbs in 27 days, which is 0.2 lbs a day or just under a pound and a half a week.   I would like to weigh in at 224.5 or less by then.

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