Bit of a lapse since I posted.
I've had a lapse in my fitness routine, too, but that seems to have ended in the last two weeks. At any rate, I'm back on the wagon. I've come to accept about myself that I have to do a thing every day or I won't do it long term. So, I've scaled back my workout but have been doing it every day. Overall, I am much happier with my results -- I feel better, I'm not overworking myself, and I find I have no problem fitting it into my day.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about.
So, I recently discovered something I was doing isn't weird after all. In fact, lots of people do it.
What's that you ask? Working out in my underwear (at home, of course.)
I find I prefer it for a spectrum of reasons. I don't get as hot, and I don't create laundry in the form of sweat-soaked clothes. It also helps me because I can actually see my body while I work out, and I find that it helps me make better food choices after I work out; I am often hungry within 15-30 of exercise, and being in nothing but a pair of lycra shorts really helps me make good nutritional choices. I'm not gonna wolf down 2 ham & cheese sandwiches while my body is right there in front of me.
Anyway, I was feeling kinda weird about it, like what if someone came over and found me lifting weights in my slutty man underwear? Is it weird? Do I just get a thrill from it? Then, I was reading one of my FB groups and someone asked on the page, "Do you guys work out in your underwear, or do you think that's weird?" Basically every person responded with some version of what I said above, yes because it helps me.
So what do you think? Anyone? Do you work out in your underwear? I know some of you have nice enough bodies that you can pretty much wear underwear to the gym, but I'm not there yet. I will be. I'm not sure I would be that guy in all spandex at the gym, but it would be nice to know I could.
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